Tyson Adams, 51, winds up to throw a paper airplane while portraying Carl Stengel at the History Hunt event at Depot Park Sunday. Stengel was the first manager of an airport in Gainesville in the 1930s. Adams said the History Hunt helps people learn about historical figures who were important to developing the community.
“It’s amazing to learn about it, and get involved in it and realize where we came from,” Adams said.
By Morgan Waters | Mar. 5Study Buddies offered at Marston and Library West on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025.
By Morgan Waters | Mar. 5Study Buddies offered at Marston and Library West on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025.
By Morgan Waters | Mar. 5Study Buddies offered at Marston and Library West on Wednesday, Feb. 26th, 2025.