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Friday, September 06, 2024

Candidate Guide: Yvonne Hayes Hinson

Yvonne Hayes Hinson (D)


The issues:

Why are you running for this office?

I’m running because people’s lives are being affected by the current administration in a negative way. We are on a path of no return if this current status quo continues. Government should be about improving people’s lives. I want to return the government to the people. I am running because healthcare should be a right not a privilege, because students should be able to afford higher education without crippling debt and the government should not be profiting off of their interest rates. I am running because voting and civil rights are being challenged on every front. When a person completes their time of incarceration that person should have their rights restored.

In your view, what are the top three issues facing the country? How are you qualified to address these issues?

Health care, education, and income inequality. I have witnessed and observed the impact of these issues on people’s lives every day. I have researched and advocated for many of these issues while city commissioner. I have applied all these issues while principal of a school of the arts full-service school. I know that we must be the change we want to see in the world, and I am applying that adage to myself.

How would you assess the performance of President Trump?

These are the evaluative terms I would use filled with corruption, scandal, greed, divisiveness and egregious behavior, the likes of which we never thought we’d face in America.

How would you assess the performance of the U.S. House of Representatives, how it works and the ability of individuals to make a difference?

The fact is our checks and balance system is being dissolved before our eyes. Our forefathers intended to create a system that would allow everyone to be held accountable. A system that would make you remember why you were elected and that is to represent the people. Right now, our Congress is completely run by the Trump party and there is no one there to hold him accountable or to question his logic. That is why it is important for everyone to get out and vote and is imperative that you stand up and speak out for what is right; because until we get democrats elected to office this will be the most powerful weapon in our arsenal. Without a balanced House and Senate, there is no check nor balance.

What more could be done to curb gun violence in this country? Share your opinion on the changes to school safety and gun ownership enforced in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act.

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The Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act is lukewarm in a climate that needs to be red hot. I believe schools should be hard on the outside and soft on the inside. School safety should be our biggest priority. It is important that our students go to school knowing that they will be safe. We should have School Resource Officers in the schools who are just that, resources. We should also take a hard look at evaluating the safety of the facility and the structure itself. As a federal legislator I will use the services of Homeland Security to evaluate the risks of our school buildings and the safety of our schools. Inside the school, we need to look at the roles of our guidance counselors. Schools can be our first line of defense when battling mental health. We must ensure that school counselors are able to effectively do their jobs and tend to the mental wellbeing of our students instead of administrative tasks. Schools are missing a valuable opportunity to partner with medical facilities in their communities. I believe that we need federal background checks on all gun sales (close the loopholes) in a system that will flag those with mental health issues as well as a history of domestic violence.

The Stand Your Ground Law has been highly controversial. Do you think the law is working or is there something lawmakers should do to change it?

Since the Stand Your Ground Law was passed firearm homicides have increased here in Florida. In 2017, murders had increased 22 percent as direct result of Florida’s SYG law. It is time that we repeal this dangerous law. There have been too many instances where this law has been used as a defense for those who decide to murder unarmed individuals. There have been far too many “justified” wrongful deaths because of this racist law. It is an act of a coward and a law passed to justify their cowardly actions.

When Richard Spencer came to the University of Florida’s campus last year the administration at first barred him from renting a space to speak. They later reversed that and allowed the event to take place on campus. What did you think of the decision making process?

Initially I was disappointed that the University of Florida didn’t have the courage to take a stand against white supremacy, regardless of its consequences. However, it worked out in our favor because the student Gators showed the white nationalists who we really are. Go Gators!

Do you support legalizing marijuana for recreational use and why?

I support legalizing marijuana under all circumstances for those 18 and older (originally stated 21 and older). We should regulate it the same way we regulate alcohol for marijuana is not a deadly drug. Legalization will bring in great amounts of tax revenue that can be used to rebuild our crumbling infrastructure. I believe that upon its legalization we should release all those incarcerated for nonviolent marijuana drug offenses.

Do you support a $15 minimum wage and why?

I support a livable wage it may or may not be 15 dollars in every community. There are tools to help determine local livable wage. People should be able to afford their rent or mortgage and quality childcare without breaking the bank. We will provide an infrastructure and support system to families and ensure that they have well-paying jobs and a livable wage to maintain a standard of living that will not require the working of two and three jobs. We assure that states can provide high quality affordable childcare, clear the path for homeownership for every citizen with special attention to veterans as a way of making sure those families know how much we appreciate their sacrifices.

What, if anything, should Congress do to address concerns raised by the #MeToo movement?

Well frankly it starts at the top. We must foster an environment that allows victims of sexual assault to come forth without fear of judgement or backlash. We, as a Congress, should create a special board to deal with instances of sexual misconduct. This board needs independence from the other members of Congress as not to be biased in any proceedings or disciplinary action. If we set an example from the top as to how to properly deal with sexual assault, we can create a culture that is more open to this important discussion.

Does more work need to be done on campaign finance reform? If so, what?

We need to reform a system that allows corporations and lobbyists to buy our democracy by donating so much money to campaigns that they actually own the candidates, their opinions, their votes and control of their very core values. Financing of campaigns should be by the people. One idea is a percentage of our income taxes that we all pay could be equally distributed to all candidates, especially federal. That way the candidate would truly be a servant of the people.

Do you believe reforms are needed around the issue of abortion?

I believe in a woman’s right to choose. I believe that it is not the government’s place to tell a woman what is best for her body. Government have enough regulations, they don’t need to regulate the female nor male body.

How do you hope to address North Central Florida’s economy and growth?

North Central Florida is a great place to live. It is along major routes leading to some well-known attractions. It also houses both the University of Florida and Santa Fe College. There are great opportunities for development, if done right. I want to take a holistic approach to development, not just building stores but use the beautiful natural sights to promote eco-tourism. This way we can stimulate economic growth in a way that doesn’t harm the environment. We must also be fair with our development. Many times, areas with a great population of people of color are left out of the development agenda. We need to change that it is not right for one side of town to have the best of the best while the other side of town struggles. With new development brings job growth so that we can continue to lower our overall unemployment rate and address our equity issues.

How would you gauge threats to the environment and what do you hope to do about them?

There is a lot that can be done for example Sarasota County has implemented an Environmentally Sensitive Lands Protection Program. Under this program the county will buy up land that is deemed environmentally sensitive and the land title is transferred to the protection list. This list is envaulted annually in order to add other properties as necessary. On a federal level I will work to have Environmentally Sensitive Area Grants brought to Congressional District 3. These federal grants look to stop development in sensitive areas in order to maintain the environmental integrity of the area. I also believe that we have been very laxed with our mining practices and how we go about retrieving the minerals we seek. I have problems with the phosphate mining being proposed here in Bradford County for a few reasons. First, phosphate is generally retrieved through a process called strip mining. During strip mining, 20 to 40 feet of the surface is removed to get to the phosphate, and because of the way the land is changed the freshwater can’t easily flow because it’s salinity to rise. Phosphate mining can also release other harmful minerals found below the surface into the water and surrounding ecosystem harming both humans and wildlife. Lastly it is almost impossible to fully restore the land back to its original state. The delicate ecosystem of the area is destroyed forever. I believe that these are the things that need to be considered when mining is involved. We are very quick to jump into mining in order to make a quick buck not realizing the damage we are causing.

What should Congress do to improve health care?

I support and will ensure the passage of House Bill HR 676. This bill establishes the Medicare For All Program to provide all individuals residing in the United States and U.S. territories with free health care that includes all medically necessary care, such as primary care and prevention, dietary and nutritional therapies, prescription drugs, emergency care, long-term care, mental health services, dental services, and vision care. In addition to healthcare, ensure continuation of Medicare/Medicaid/social security as a right to life issue. Strengthen, ensure and protect the Food and Drug Administration giving them the power to make scientific and conscionable decisions regarding our food security, drug safety and affordability, as well as the freedom to test products in America that are achieving success in other countries for the good of the health and affordability of American citizens, such as the benefits of medical marijuana.

What is your opinion of the Sunshine Law?

I support the Sunshine Law because I am running a “we the people” campaign.

I believe that government should be transparent with the people it serves. It is through transparency that we as legislators are held accountable. In some cases, locally as a commissioner, I found that it inhibited collaboration amongst commissioners however, the transparency and accountability is far more important than convenience.

What is an example of a policy or issue you have changed your view on in the last 20 years?

I have changed my opinion of many policies over the years, I don’t know how many. My stance on marriage equality has definitely changed. I've always believed in the rights for LGBT, but I was vacillating on the marriage piece. Also, my position in pro-choice has evolved over two decades. I am now firmly and confidently pro-choice. Additionally, my stance on marijuana has also dramatically evolved. I now believe that the war on drugs was a Jim Crow policy. It is responsible for mass incarceration all by itself. Private prisons are now well over a billion dollar industry largely because of the mass incarceration. We need to end private prisons, legalize marijuana and release all prisoners locked up for nonviolent marijuana crimes.

Do you support voting on college campuses?

Absolutely. Often times college students are forgotten in the voting process. Many of the political decisions that are made affect them directly, so they should have a voice. How can we truly serve the people if all the people aren’t being heard?

The campaign:

Is there anything you want us to know about your opponent?

I believe that out of my primary opponents I am the best suited for this job. My opponents, while nice people, waiver at times in their views. I have remained firm in the positions I have taken and will not buckle for the special interests. I am the candidate can best articulate my policy points, and unlike some of my opponents, I am willing to collaborate with others to create the best possible solutions to the problems that face District 3.

Why should voters vote for you?

Voters should vote for me because I am the most qualified out of the other candidates. I am the only one with any political experience, and many of the decisions I was influential in making on the City Commission are still benefiting the city today. I am a lifelong educator, so I know how to make a little do a lot. I am a single mother, and grandmother I have seen first-hand the issues that face this district. I understand what this district needs because I have lived the same struggle as my constituents. I won’t forget who I represent.


What type of student were you in college?

Special education

What is the last music concert you saw?


Who is your political hero? Why?

Barack Obama

What is the best advice you have ever gotten?

If something is worth doing, it's worth doing well

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