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Thursday, June 27, 2024

Candidate Guide: Olysha Magruder

Olysha Magruder (D)


The issues:

Why are you running for this office?

I’m running for office because I feel called to do so. I have lived the struggles that many people in our district face. I have a unique perspective, as a former public school teacher and career educator, that our current government and political establishment have lacked and ignored. Public education is the backbone of Florida’s future, and the State Senate is in desperate need of an educator who understands the complex range of problems facing our public education system.

In your view, what are the top three issues facing the district? How are you qualified to address these issues?

  1. Free & Equitable Education - As a former public school teacher at Archer Elementary and Howard Bishop Middle School, I know what it’s like in our classrooms. When I was teaching, we had classrooms closed off because of mold or other major issues. Our schools are a reflection of the value we place in our children and our future, which is why I believe in free education from pre-K through college or vocational/technical school. This would be the best start to addressing our widening inequality in Florida.

  2. Environment - Climate change is real and it is happening. We must prepare for this and work to address it at the state level. We should also ban fracking and fully fund the Florida Forever land trust so we may protect our clean drinking water and beautiful natural resources for generations to come.

  3. Income inequality - The widening gap between the haves and the have nots in our country has serious implications for our future. Here in Florida our State Senate District 8 is among the poorest in the state. We must begin investing in people instead of corporate welfare. That’s why I’m for a free public education for all, Medicare for All, expanding Medicaid in Florida, and have refused to accept corporate pac money. My only special interest is the people.

How would you assess the performance of Governor?

A solid F. During his first term, when he signed a $1 Billion cut to our public schools, I marched against him with our local teachers union in Tallahassee. His failure to accept Medicaid expansion has cost some of our most vulnerable citizens their lives. It is a total abdication of his responsibilities as a steward for Florida.

How would you assess the performance of the Florida House of Representatives, how it works and the ability of individuals to make a difference?

Another solid F. Tallahassee has become a cesspool awash in corporate cash and the Senate and House are no different. We must work to overturn Citizens United and ban corporate dollars from flowing into our campaigns. I remain the only candidate in this race to refuse to accept corporate pac money and I believe all legislators should do the same.

What more could be done to curb gun violence? Share your opinion on the changes to school safety and gun ownership enforced in the Marjory Stoneman Douglas Public Safety Act.

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Many things can be done that have simply been stopped by the NRA. Comprehensive, universal background checks, banning assault rifles and large capacity magazines, stronger red flag policies are all on my priority list to address gun violence. As a member of Moms Demand Action for Gun Sense even before I was a candidate, I have always fought for these common sense approaches. As a former public school teacher, I know that guns in our schools and in the hands of teachers and staff will not make us safer but will have the opposite impact.

The Stand Your Ground Law has been highly controversial. Do you think the law is working or is there something lawmakers should do to change it?

I believe the Stand Your Ground Law was a terrible piece of legislation, written by the NRA, that is ultimately having a racist impact in Florida. It has resulted in a form of legalized murder for one group of citizens while protecting the perpetrators. I will fight to repeal this law.

When Richard Spencer came to the University of Florida’s campus last year, the administration at first barred him from renting a space to speak. They later reversed that and allowed the event to take place on campus. What did you think of the decisions made during this?  

Nazis should not be given space to speak, period. I attended several community meetings about this, and met many Jewish people who expressed their sorrow and fear regarding the recent rise of Nazism. So on the day Richard Spencer visited campus, I joined the thousands of other protestors who stayed through the entire day standing in solidarity with others who say a resounding NO to Nazis.

Do you support legalizing marijuana for recreational use and why?  

Yes, I support the 100% legalization of marijuana for recreational use. Since I support this, I also support the protections of those using marijuana within state law as employees or job applicants. I support this because we have had a failed war on drugs. Legalization will help those who suffer from medical issues and provide easier access. Legalization will also deprive the criminal element another revenue stream if done correctly. If the supply is too small for the demand then we will see high prices and that will provide room for the black market to thrive. When we speak of legalizing marijuana, we must think about the not only the future but also the past. We must protect those who have been systematically oppressed and disproportionately imprisoned for marijuana possession charges. We must restore their voting rights by expunging these charges from their record, and through expungement provide equal access to jobs and opportunities to be successful. Further, we must make affordable the costs to start marijuana businesses. This will give local entrepreneurs the opportunity to establish small businesses and keep profits within a community. When we speak of legalizing marijuana we must think of what is right for every Floridian - not just politicians and corporations seeking to make a profit.

Do you support a $15 minimum wage and why?

From Day One, I have advocated for a $15 MINIMUM wage and, because I live my values, that is the minimum wage on my campaign. I think, in reality, the minimum wage should account for costs of living and inflation, which the current federal minimum wage does not do. Similarly, I have also been a steadfast advocate for paid maternity AND paternity leave because fathers should be an equal partner in parenthood.

Sexual assault is a serious issue on college campuses. What, if anything, should lawmakers do to address concerns raised by the #MeToo movement and other instances of unwanted sexual harassment and assault?

It is very important to me that all instances of sexual assault and harassment be dealt with swiftly and not be swept under the rug. Laws regarding the reporting of these instances need to be strengthened, and the reporting process itself needs to be more clear and accessible to students so that students know exactly where to go and what to do when an instance occurs to them or someone else. Further, colleges should implement training on all types of harassment and assault, and require it for all incoming students.

How do you hope to address North Central Florida’s economy and growth?

Supporting small and local businesses, which has been shown to stimulate the local economy as a whole, is important to me. Raising the minimum wage to a living wage of $15 per hour will also help North Central Floridians be able to afford better and more economically active lives, which will benefit the area in a range of ways and create economic growth.

How would you gauge threats to the environment and what do you hope to do about them?

Florida is quite literally on the front lines of climate change, and we see the direct negative impacts of it all around. Creating effective and sustainable policies is crucial to decrease the already present urgent threats to our environment.

What is your opinion of the Sunshine Law?

Transparency is of the utmost importance to me. I want to ensure that these laws are applied fairly and not conveniently and selectively. Likewise, we need to focus on dismantling money in politics and demand that PAC money is banned from the electoral process which is why I have refused corporate PAC money from the very beginning of my campaign, something all my opponents have failed to do.

What is an example of a policy or issue you have changed your view on in the last 20 years?

I honestly cannot think of a policy position I’ve changed on - I’ve been pretty consistent in my values.

Do you support voting on college campuses?

I absolutely support voting on college campuses, and believe that it is in the interest of all to make voting more accessible to all eligible voters. It is a travesty that students - some of whom worked on my campaign - had to sue to have an accessible place to vote in what is obviously a large population center. It’s even worse that Keith Perry, my Republican opponent, voted for the very bill that banned them.

The campaign:

Is there anything you want us to know about your opponent(s)?

Unlike myself, my partisan opponents have a lot of money. They are both millionaires, and both are taking corporate PAC money. But money doesn’t vote. Based on my rural upbringing, I am able to relate to and connect with people in a wide range of communities - not just those in Gainesville. I would also like to note that I am the only candidate for this race who wants to provide free education from pre-K to college or vocational/technical school, and the only candidate who supports providing Medicare for all.

Why should voters vote for you?

Voters should always vote for whomever they think best reflects their values and where they want to see our state go in the future. I am a bold, progressive woman who will fight for all of us. And we need a fighter. I will not back down when the pressure is on. That is why I am refusing corporate PAC money, including money from the sugar, tobacco and alcohol industries. Too often, politicians set aside moral integrity by taking money from these industries, only to be beholden to their interests when in office. My only special interest is the people of Florida, and I think that’s what this district deserves.


What type of student were you in college?

Definitely studious. I finished college as an older student, so I didn’t live in the dorms. I biked to school, ate lunch at Leonardo’s, then usually went to work at one of my many jobs. When I wasn’t studying or working, I went to shows and even played in a band and performed solo music around town!

What is the last music concert you saw?

Just this past weekend, my friends in Whiskey & Co. played a Get Out the Vote show at Backyard!

Who is your political hero? Why?

My political superhero is Ruth Bader Ginsburg. She is my political superhero because of her perseverance throughout her life. She raised four children and nursed a sick husband while completing a law degree - at a time when it was extremely unusual to do so. Her law class was predominately male yet she persisted. Her commitment to gender equality and women's rights is awe-inspiring. She is unabashedly and unashamedly herself, a rarity in politics. If I could be a tenth of her, I would be complete.

What is the best advice you have ever gotten?

Follow your heart and what your spirit moves you to do - then the rest will fall into place.

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