A Gainesville man who was charged with a double home invasion and rape earlier last month has been additionally charged with beating his cellmate in Alachua County Jail on Tuesday.
Kashawn Jefferson, 22, hit his cellmate in the head multiple times with a plastic bin as he was laying on his mattress, according to the Alachua County Sheriff’s Office police report. Jefferson then punched the man with a closed fist and stomped on his head and face multiple times.
The cellmate reportedly did not attempt to defend himself during the incident. Jail staff had to stop the beating shortly after 1 a.m., according to the report.
Jefferson’s cellmate was arrested in Palatka and charged with sexual battery on a victim under the age of 12, a felony, in January. He has remained in jail in lieu of his $1 million bond. The extent of his injuries are listed as “major” according to the report.
Jefferson was charged with aggravated battery by person detained in a jail facility, another first-degree felony. He remains in jail in lieu of his original bond and a $50,000 bond for his newly acquired charge.