Chester, a betta fish who was once almost flushed down a toilet before his time, will now spend the rest of his life under the protection of the Catholic patron saint of animals.
The fish’s 9-year-old owner, Molly Adams, held him up in his glass fish bowl as Rev. Reed Freeman placed his hand on the bowl and blessed Chester on Sunday at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 100 NE First St. About 100 pets, from dogs to snakes, stuffed and living, were blessed at 7:45 a.m. and 10:15 a.m. during the annual event.
“Chester is our family’s first pet so we thought it would be a good idea to get him blessed,” Adams said.
“We are blessing the animals in recognition of St. Francis,” Freeman said. “It’s simply asking God’s blessing on the pet and a little prayer that (St.) Francis will protect these pets all the days of their lives.”
During church services, most animals sat with their owners on pews. Nancy Freeman, the reverend’s wife, said organizers removed pew cushions before the animals arrived.
“This must be the craziest church service you’ve ever attended,” she said.
After the service, the church’s youth group passed out free homemade dog treats, Nancy said.
“I think an animal is part of the family and (people get their animals blessed) just for a happy, healthy continued life,” she said. “That is what the blessing does.”
Sadie, a 6-year-old Shetland sheepdog gets blessed by the Rev. Reed Freeman at Holy Trinity Episcopal Church, located at 100 NE First St. before the Sunday service. About 100 animals were blessed during the annual event.