Amendment 1:
Should the Student Body constitution be updated and amended to reflect UF’s anti-discrimination policy and read in part, Article I, Section 4, “Student Government and any organization that receives funds shall be in full compliance with all federal and state nondis- crimination and equal opportunity laws, orders, and regulations and shall adhere to University of Florida nondiscrimination policies?”
Amendment 2:
Should the Student Body constitution be updated and amended to decrease the maximum com- position of the Fall or Spring class of Student Senate from 60 members to 50 members and change the relevant parts of Article III, Section 2 to read: “FALL CLASS.—40 to 50 members elected in the Fall general election as apportioned by law from on- campus area governments as defined by law and from off-campus areas as defined by law. SPRING CLASS.—40 to 50 members elected in the Spring general election from the colleges and independent schools recognized by the student senate as defined by law?”
Amendment 3:
Should the Student Body constitution be updated and amended to allow summer replacement Senators to be appointed at the last meeting of the Spring semester and amend Article III, Section 4 to read in part, “The Student Senate during the summer term shall have the same authority as it does during the fall and spring terms. A Student Senator who will not attend the summer academic term, or any portion of the term may nominate a Summer Replacement Senator, subject to confirmation by the Student Senate on the last meeting of spring term. The summer replacement senator shall serve only during the sum- mer academic term, or designated portion of the term. The student senator resumes office upon return to the university?”
Amendment 5:
Should the Student Body constitution be updated and amended to set executive department terms to serve concurrently with the elected Student Body executive officers and read in part: “Article IV, Section 5: Executive departments may be established by Student Body law, with the head of each department to be appointed by the Student Body president and confirmed with at least a concurrence of a majority of the Student Senate. Officers of the executive departments shall be responsible to the Student Body president for the execution of their duties and shall be subject to removal by the Student Body president. The terms of the heads of the executive departments shall expire concurrently with the expiration of the regular terms of the elected executive officials. The heads of the executive departments may appoint subordinate aides or other officials not provided for by Student Body law, if deemed necessary?”
Amendment 6:
Should the Student Body constitution Article VI be updated and amended as follows, “Section 2: The Fall general election shall occur on the Tuesday of the sixth week of the Fall term,” “Section 3: The Spring general election shall occur on the Tuesday of the sixth week of the Spring term” and “Section 9: The executive branch shall guarantee verified and secured real-time online remote voting on election day in Student Government elections to all members of the electorate?”
Amendment 8:
Should the Student Body constitution Article VIII, Section 2 be updated to add the following clause: “The Elections Commission shall have the authority to determine if the petition has an accurate summary, and if it determines it is not, to modify the summary so as to be accurate, and after making such determination, shall in all cases forward the petition to the Supervisor of Elections for inclusion on the ballot. Such determinations shall be subject to the Review of the Supreme Court?”
Amendment 11:
Should the Student Body constitution Article III, Section 4 be amended to change the method in selecting Summer replacement senators to the following: “The Student Senate during the Summer term shall have the same authority as it does during the Fall and Spring terms. A student senator who will not attend the Summer academic term, or any portion of the term may vacate their seat for Summer. The vacant seat will then be decided by the Replacement and Agenda Committee and be subject to confirmation by the Student Senate. The Summer replacement senator shall serve only during the Sum- mer academic term, or designated portion of the term. The student senator resumes office upon return to the university.”
See the full list of 11 amendments here.