Two thousand gallons of wastewater spilled into a UF creek that connects to Lake Alice on Sunday, prompting state officials to sanitize the affected area.
At about 10 p.m., 5,000 gallons of the sewage were released from a manhole on campus. As a result, 2,000 gallons entered a stormwater system that feeds Lake Alice, wrote UF spokesperson John Hines in an email.
Upon being notified, officials with the Florida Division of Emergency Management State Watch Office sanitized the affected area Sunday night with hydrated lime and took samples of the creek for testing, Hines said.
An FDE incident report notes that the spill did cause “environmental impact” but would not affect drinking water. No deaths or injuries were reported.
No Department of Environmental Protection callback was requested, the report states. “Officials aren’t entirely sure of the spill’s cause but suspect failed sensors, that when working properly, monitor sewage levels and trigger pumps,” Hines said.
The site of the spill was reported as 1858 Mowry Road — Lift Station 1, Rabon Chilled
Water Plant, Hines said.
When tests of the water samples are returned in “a few days,” State Watch Office officials will be able to further update the public on the status of the creek, he said.