Not My System made an appearance one day before Fall Student Government election results are announced.
Sabrina Philipp, 22, who led the Not My System movement this past Spring, hosted a live stream Tuesday night on Facebook from her home in Bali to address questions from viewers. Philipp gave documents to the Tab, an online publication that will release a series of stories about The System, she said.
“One thing I really want everyone to ask themselves is, ‘What would you do if you weren’t afraid?’” she said.
Philipp, who previously accused Impact Party of being a rebranding of Swamp Party, repeated that sentiment during the live stream.
“They just put on a cute new logo and a new name,” she said.
Philipp also claimed the existence of three “blocs” within SG, which are coalitions of Greek sorority and fraternity houses and student organizations. She said System parties, like Impact, seek out minority students to make their parties seem more diverse.
Philipp also accused UF Student Body President Susan Webster of preventing three students from becoming members of the Reitz Union Board of Managers because of their affiliation with Access Party.
Impact President Janae Moodie denied all claims Philipp made, including the existence of The System within SG.
“I think that Sabrina’s allegations are false,” Moodie said.
Moodie denied knowledge of the existence of “blocs” and said Impact does not scout out members of certain demographics or affiliations. She said the accusations against Webster are false, but that the knowledge falls outside her role as Impact’s president.
“I have never heard those allegations in my life, and I do not know how that would be possible,” she said.
Sabrina Philipp takes questions during the Not My System town hall meeting at Turlington Hall on Feb. 16, 2016. On Tuesday, she hosted an online Q&A.