More than 13,000 students were invited to be Gators on Friday.
UF admitted 13,624 students to start Fall or Summer B, UF spokesman Steve Orlando wrote in an email. UF’s Innovation Academy, in which students take classes Spring and Summer, admitted 379 students, and UF’s Pathway to Campus Enrollment program, which started last year, admitted 2,137. PaCE students take their first 60 credits online.
Luke Anderson, a senior at Hillsborough Virtual School, said UF was his first choice. The 18-year-old found out he was accepted to UF’s Innovation Academy on Friday.
He said he hopes to major in finance and likes that he’ll also get a minor in innovation through IA.
“It was very exciting for me because I can explore other opportunities I don’t think other colleges could offer me,” Anderson said.
He said he became interested in attending UF after visiting his brother, a current UF sophomore. While in his junior year of high school, he toured campus and stayed with his brother at Beaty Towers.
While he worried he wouldn’t be accepted, he said he was excited to see the acceptance message.
“I didn’t really know what to think,” Anderson said. “It was really all I wanted.”
- Caitlin Ostroff