Students interested in running as a UF student senator can go to the Reitz Union Grand Ballroom in rooms A and E today for Fall 2015 elections.
Qualifying and slating will take place in the Reitz Grand Ballroom today from noon to 6 p.m., Thursday from noon to 8 p.m., Friday from 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. and Tuesday from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.
For Fall elections, 50 students are elected for Senate seats based on residency, including zip codes surrounding the university and residence hall areas.
To qualify, students must be full-time, have proof of residency and their student ID, UF Supervisor of Elections Sam Book wrote in an email.
Students must prove their residency by providing either certified mail delivered by postal service, Alachua County voter registration card, original copy of lease, original copy of utility or cable bill prior to qualifying, original copy of promissory note or lease from fraternity or sorority house, original copy of homeowner’s insurance, or original copy of warranty deed.
After a student qualifies for a seat, he or she can choose to run, which is called slating, with a political party or run as an independent.
The parties registered for Fall 2015 elections are Access Party, Greek Party, Impact Party, Keg Party, Pants Party, Students Party, Swamp Party, Taco Libre and Unite Party.
The only parties registered for qualifying and slating are Access Party and Impact Party. Swamp Party has registered but not for slating.
Swamp Party President Davis Bean said he doesn’t know if Swamp will be slating but said he thinks Swamp registered to slate.
“Obviously we’ve lost a lot of core members (to Impact Party),” he said.
Impact Party President Chris Boyett said he hopes students who want to slate with Impact are passionate and enthusiastic about joining Student Government.
“We’re looking for any Gator that wants to be involved,” he said.
Access Party President Kalyani Hawaldar said she’ll be looking for students who are passionate about the university and want to keep SG open.
“Our objective is to keep delivering the change that students demanded,” she said.
Contact Caitlin Ostroff at and follow her on Twitter @ceostroff