An old face has returned to UF’s Student Senate.
On Tuesday night, former senator and Budget and Appropriations Chairwoman Susan Webster was unanimously approved to replace the Senate seat for District A, which covers students living in the ZIP code 32601.
The Senate seat became available when former UF Student Senate President Joseph Michaels resigned.
Webster lost her College of Liberal Arts and Sciences seat to Access Party candidates during the Spring 2015 Student Government elections, as the party took all six CLAS seats.
After Webster’s appointment, four senators recommended for committee seats were approved unanimously.
Two resolutions were presented to senators. One was passed unanimously while another was initially objected.
The resolution supporting Gov. Rick Scott’s Higher Education Affordability Act, which plans to make college more affordable through textbook sale tax exemptions and other measures, was passed unanimously.
The resolution commending UF for protecting freedom of speech sparked debate when senators argued the university is required by law to allow free speech.
Sen. Amanda Nelson, Access, disagreed with the resolution because she said it celebrated UF for following the First Amendment.
“The implication is that free speech is a privilege that we should be thankful for,” she said.
Numerous senators spoke in favor of the resolution, such as Sen. Janae Moodie, Swamp.
“One of the things that makes freedom of speech so beautiful on this campus is it stimulates conversation,” Moodie said.
The resolution was eventually approved.
[A version of this story ran on page 9 on 4/1/2015 under the headline “Senator who lost seat in Spring election back in UF Senate”]