“Mad Men” was truly designed for a drinking game. The end of an era began Sunday. Well, the end of an already-ended era of drinking during work, smoking at your desk, prohibitive glass ceilings and sleeping with your secretary after coming back from buying roses for your wife because you forgot your anniversary. Oh, what an era. The ultimate “Mad Men” drinking game would be to match each person, drink for drink, in the show. But then you’d be sure to die, so here’s a modified version.
Take a sip every time Don lies
Take a sip every time men gawk at Joan
Take a sip every time someone lights a cigarette
Take a sip whenever someone gets fired
Take a shot for every “pornstache”
Take a shot whenever Pete whines
Take a shot when someone cheats on their spouse
Take a shot when Sally calls her mother by her first name
Finish your drink and pour another if we get an update on Peggy’s baby