I’ve got something for those coffee and tea drinkers! Since caffeine is a staple in a college student’s schedule, I thought I would make a custom mug for myself. This process is surprisingly easier than it looks so do not get discouraged!
What you need:
Ceramic mug (I bought mine at Walmart)
Oil-based Sharpie markers (I bought mine at Joann Fabric)
Krylon Matte Finish Spray (I also bought mine at Joann Fabric)

Step 1: Make sure your mug is clean before you start making your designs, and then just go at it! Create whatever you like. There are plenty of examples on the Internet and Pinterest, so if you get stuck, just look it up!

Step 2: Preheat your oven to 400 degrees and place your mug inside for 30 minutes.

Step 3: Once your mug is cooled completely, top it off with the matte finish spray. This ensures that the marker does not rub away after a few washes.
There you have it. Your own custom mug that you can use everyday!