Santa Fe College student senators will present an amendment today that could allow administration to remove active Student Government members without trial.
The amendment states that, in the event that a member is removed from SG by administration, “there will be no need for an impeachment or any other removal procedures.”
Should the amendment pass, Santa Fe’s Student Life, Student Affairs and any other branch with the authority to punish the conduct of students will be responsible for removing SG members from office.
The amendment comes nearly a month after a verbal dispute broke out between Student Senate President Jeremy Pierce and Student Body President Michael Chartier following an internal investigation into claims that Pierce threatened a senator.
On Nov. 19, student senators failed to reach a conclusion on impeaching Pierce.
Connor Levine, the 19-year-old SFC nursing sophomore who wrote the amendment, said in order to impeach a SG member, he or she must either fail to perform a legally required act, commit a wrongdoing or violate the Senate constitution.
Student senators will again address Pierce’s possible impeachment today, but the senate president said he is not concerned.
“I feel just as confident today as I have in previous days,” Pierce said.
[A version of this story ran on page 1 on 12/3/2014]