In his Friday’s letter to the editor, Kyle Gorman expressed concerns about the location of Krishna Lunch on the Plaza of the Americas. Our current location offers sitting places and convenience for students, as well as accessibility for setting up and serving the lunch.
Nevertheless, Gorman does point out ways the collective use of the space could be improved. To that end, The UF Foundation is planning a major update to the plaza. Not only will the renovated area be greener (thanks to the critical storm water collection system it currently lacks), but it will feature safer, more welcoming pedestrian paths, new special event areas for student activities, and courtyards flanking the main plaza will unite it with the historic core of campus. The renovated plaza will also feature a long row of iron picnic tables along the west margin of the plaza.
The Krishna Lunch program has teamed up with the UF Foundation to raise the funds needed for the remodeling from alumni and other friends of the plaza. You may find more information at: or
Thank you for your patience as we work to successfully complete the plaza renovation.
Bob Cohen
Director of Krishna House