We all want to be the next Beyoncé when it comes to our careers, but how do we accomplish everything we need to? There are only 24 hours in a day. One essential skill every college student should have is managing time wisely.

Here are 10 golden tips you should always keep in mind when you have a lot of items on your to-do list:
1. Spend the last 30 minutes of your day planning everything you need to do the next day.
2. Limit yourself to a reasonable number of tasks for the day. Putting too many tasks on your list will steer you away from your ultimate goal.
3. Get a calendar to write due dates, meetings and class times on. Then put the calendar on your desk, so you constantly see it.
4. Wake up early. You won’t become distracted.
5. Accomplish the hardest thing on your to-do list first. Everything else will be a piece of cake.
6. Don’t look at your phone. We live in a world where everything is a click away. A great way to prevent yourself from constantly checking your phone is to download the UNICEF Tap Project app. For every 10 minutes that you don’t touch your phone, UNICEF donates a day’s worth of clean water to a child who needs it.
7. Take a break every now and then. I usually take a break every hour and a half. I’ll use this time to cross items off my list, use the restroom, grab a snack and relax.
8. Don’t multi-task. It doesn’t work. Do one thing at a time.
9. Do your work in a quiet place. Hectic room cause distraction.
10. Take a quick nap if you need to. Make sure your energy levels are high.
11. Drink a lot of water and eat healthy. You’ll find yourself attentive and motivated if you have high energy levels.
You’ll be the next Beyoncé after implementing these tips into your daily life.
Time management is extremely important in college and even more important once you graduate. Honing down on your time management skills now will help you so much in the long run.