As I sit in my newly replaced pleather chair at Library West and look around, I can’t help but notice the dozens of couples around me.
One guy is walking up to his girlfriend with a replenished Starbucks drink in hand; surely it’s her favorite. Another has just told his boyfriend that everything will be OK “because babe, one bad grade doesn’t matter,” and behind me I see a girl taking a puckered lip selfie.
Of course, I almost immediately go back to my own relationship (OK. I’m not actually in one, but for the sake of this blog, let’s pretend I have a very serious boyfriend).
I'd think, “Man, I wish my boyfriend brought me my favorite Starbucks drink,” or “Gosh my boyfriend never sits in the library with me when I’m stressing out about a test.” Then I open my Snapchat to see the big blank square next to his name because he didn’t reply to my last one.
Here is the thing: We shouldn’t be doing that. Our relationship is our relationship, point blank. Yeah these things look adorable and sweet from the outside, but we have no idea who those people are.
As I watched further, I realized the boy bringing Starbucks also brought his obnoxiously loud best friends, and the guy constantly reassuring his boyfriend came up with a new pet name every five minutes (actually one of my biggest pet peeves).
We’re in the relationship we’re in because we feel right, and that’s all there is to it. Sometimes the grass may seem greener on the other side, but it’s important to remember the little scratchy brown patches make you appreciate the soft green ones that much more.