To hear the desperation and sorrow in her voice broke my heart. Sofía, a Salvadorian mother recounted the events that led her to make a decision to send her two sons away. Many may ask, how can a mother send her sons on such a treacherous journey? Sofía was threatened by the transnational gang Mara Salvatrucha, also known as the MS-13, that it would kidnap and kill her sons if she did not comply with its demands. Unfortunately, she is not the only one.
There has been a recent influx of immigrant children crossing the border, and many Americans are not happy about it.
“These children are fleeing violence, murder, extortion, rape and abuse in some of the world’s most violent countries,” according to an article written by the Center of American Progress, an independent nonpartisan educational institute.
Sofia is one of the many mothers in Central America who has sent her children to the US with hopes of a better future, something she cannot give. But organizations like United We Dream have been fighting to give these families what they came to America looking for.
United We Dream is the nation’s “largest immigrant youth-led organization.”

I’m fascinated by the passion portrayed by this organization and amazed to see the boldness in rallies for justice, protests for equality and confrontations with politicians like Sen. Marco Rubio. With the launch of its new campaign “We Can’t Wait,” they have been pressing the American government to stop deportations and separation of families.
United We Dream has made its point clear: Change needs to happen now.
As I scrolled through the organization’s webpage, I saw the faces of immigrants who have been separated from their families in the US. I could feel the tears welling up in my eyes just imagining if I were in that situation. I know there is much opposition against immigration, but I believe these children and families deserve better lives and communities. Sending them back to their homeland only means death and suffering. I support the Dreamers and their call for justice.
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