Swamp Records and Grooveshark are now partners.
The student-run record label and the local music-streaming startup have anticipated working together since last year. They made the announcement at a launch party last Friday.
Grooveshark artist coordinator Jason Rubel said the pairing is mutually beneficial.
“Our service could serve as a powerful tool for the label to get these artists off the ground,” he said. “They have an influence in Gainesville, and we can harness that brand or brand awareness in the town that Grooveshark was founded over a decade ago.”
Grooveshark is now global, with more than 30 million users. Student Government Productions launched Swamp Records in Fall 2013.
Breana Auberry, Swamp Records president and co-founder, said Grooveshark approached Swamp Records first. From there, the partnership came naturally.
“We bring our artists, and we help bring the UF crowd,” Auberry said. “They bring their national level of exposure and their expertise and history to the table.”
Rubel said Grooveshark was interested in Swamp Records because of its relationship with UF and the Gainesville community.
“We especially found it appealing to help out a local startup that had similar values as us, and in tandem, support up-and-coming artists,” Rubel said.
[A version of this story ran on page 1 on 9/15/2014 under the headline "Grooveshark gets new partner"]