The takeover from Sakai to Canvas could take until Spring 2016.
The university is continuing its migration to the new course management system, Canvas, by integrating more online sections into the system this semester.
Douglas Johnson, the associate director for learning services at UF Information Technology, said the change to Canvas first started in Spring 2014.
“Canvas has a more intuitive interface,” he said. “It’s got some very well-done ease-of-use improvements over what we used to have in Sakai.”
There are 6,000 possible courses that may need assistance transferring to Canvas, Johnson said.
Instructors have the option of having the UFIT migration team move files to Canvas and set up their course, or they can set up their courses on their own. A third option is having UFIT transfer files, but having the instructors set up their courses.
“I didn’t use the migration team because I wanted to be able to control what resources I moved from one to the other,” said Olivia Ordonez, a graduate assistant who teaches for the University Writing Program.
Ordonez said she prefers to use Sakai because of the application, which lets her grade assignments in the web browser instead of downloading files and then uploading them again once they are graded.
James McLaughlin, a 23-year-old UF public relations senior, said he has used both systems and prefers Sakai.
“It seems better organized to me,” he said. “The set-up of Canvas just seems weird.”
[A version of this story ran on page 1 on 9/12/2014 under the headline "Courses moving to Canvas in transition away from Sakai"]