With summer upon us it seems like everyone is experiencing a health kick, and whether it’s an obsession with Crossfit or a newfound liking to Paleo-diets, I congratulate you for the determination that comes with any lifestyle change. You probably put another couple of years back in your life and who doesn’t love that?
And then there are those of us that can’t even seem to find a starting point to the path of fitness and remotely healthy eating habits.
It’s a safe bet to say (and I would really like to think) that a lot of students just don’t have the time. Between everything that gets jam packed into one day, it’s become almost humanly impossible to not skimp out on your own needs.
But it’s time to start reclaiming ourselves as humans and pry ourselves away from the pressure of exams, papers, and presentations to refocus back on our basic physical needs.
Picture this, if a line graph of your health condition could be matched up with your four years of college it most likely was on a steady decline. Studying took the place of sleep, water was replaced with Vodka, and for some, hygiene was sacrificed all together.
You could be an extremist and just jump back into working out at full force and maybe even hop on a fad diet train while you’re at it, or you could be a little more gradual about it.
This is about acquainting yourself with the bare essentials of living, something that slips my mind from time to time.
Be good to yourself, and don’t discredit the progress you will make no matter how big or small it is. Losing weight or gaining muscle doesn’t always measure how successful and healthy you are.
You are your own health gauge.
Yeah, this may have certain sprinkles of pep talk and a lot of what you probably heard before, but if you keep hearing, isn’t it time to do something about it?
There’s only one you, take care of it.
"Spontaneous Self Disassembly" by Pascal, used under CC BY 2.0