This week’s brief Senate meeting appointed next year’s Student Supreme Court and Student Honor Code administration.
All new positions were heard and unanimously approved as a block.
"We're really excited to have the best team assembled to make sure we're all following the codes," said Sen. Joseph Michaels, Senate President Pro-Tempore.
The newest chief justice is Marshall McDonald. Associate justices include Amanda Griffin, Joseph Lancos, Evan Malloy, Nicholas Pulignano, Andy Schein and Celeste Thacker.
Sen. Jason Richards, who was filling in for Sen. Bronco Vuskovich, said during the previous Judiciary meeting, the candidates "met the requirements, and we approved unanimously.”
The Sandy Vernon Act, SB 2014-1040, also passed second reading unanimously.
Student Body President Cory Yeffet also encouraged senators and students to attend the city commission meeting tomorrow at 6 p.m. to speak against a towing measure that Student Government has been lobbying against.
"We're pretty confident this is going to be a good change for Gainesville," he said.