Each Thursday, the Avenue will dish out the best in entertainment. From the silver screen to hidden Internet gems, check out this week’s top picks.
Read It: “Everything is Wrong With You: The Modern Woman’s Guide to Finding Self-Confidence Through Self-Loathing”
If you’ve tried “The Secret,” and it turned out to be some bulls***, there is another self-help guide for you. This snarky satire of a self-help industry that shames women into never being good enough will have you laughing so hard you snort.
Hear It: BANKS - Drowning
This dark chanteuse sounds like the love child of Lorde and Purity Ring, and this new track seethes with a smoky sexuality that isn’t cute or ironic. It would be perfect for make-up sex.
Share It: “In the Name of Love”
Call her cynical, but the author of this Slate.com essay has a point when she says that telling people to “do what they love” is a little misleading and a little demeaning. So before you ditch your preprofessional major for something you’re “passionate about,” check your privilege and consider what it means to be able to “do what you love.” Spread the word.
[A version of this story ran on page 12 on 5/22/2014 under the headline "Fresh Picked"]