For those of us in our twenties, being in college, grad school or starting actual grown up jobs seemed cool when you were younger. When you were still in high school or even middle school, you dreamed of being older and not having anyone to tell you what to do. Once you first start out in college, you think it’s cool to be on your own and do whatever you want, whenever you want. And then, slowly but surely, the truth about adulthood sets in and becomes the stuff of nightmares. You realize … Oh hell … I want to be a kid again. Here are some of the things we miss.
Mom’s cooking
Being on a ramen/Chef Boyardee/McDonald’s diet starts out cool. You feel like you could eat that stuff all day! Stuffing your mouth with fries and grease is what college is all about, right? Soon though, you miss your mom’s perfect lasagna. You wish you were nibbling on her delicious meatballs. Nothing was as good her casserole. Even if your mom’s cooking wasn’t all that good, it’s still 100 times better than that third Hot Pocket you are going to have to make for dinner today, after having one for breakfast … and lunch.
Your parent’s advice
Sure, when you are an angsty tween, anything and everything that comes out of your parent’s mouths seems like nagging. When you listen to your mom or dad tell you to do your homework, clean your room or be careful when you go out, you may as well be listening to nails on a chalkboard. But eventually, you grow up and realize that yes, you parents are wise and yes, they know exactly what they are talking about. Their advice will especially come in handy when you are crying to them about how mean your professors are and how you want to change your major for the fifth time.
You realized how great naps were in high school, but once you hit 20, naps really become almost god-like. Remember being in kindergarten or pre-k and how it took your teachers all they had to try to get you to sleep. Now, you would give anything to nap away your problems, even for just 20 minutes after lunch. Having lecture after lecture, lab after lab or working that 9 to 5 makes you cringe and you would gladly sign away your future first born child just to get in a quick nap.
If only you had a timed machine to go back and soak up the awesomeness that it was to be a care-free younglin’ again.