From Grog to Cantina to Fat Daddy’s to Gator City you are bound to bump into some interesting people in Midtown. Every weekend, oh-so-magical Midtown becomes flooded with the students of UF who are just trying to blow off some steam from their hard week of partyi — I mean, studying.
The dancer
All they want to do is dance. No matter what song comes on, you will be sure to hear them squeal, “Ohhhh, this is my song!” and more than likely, they are going to ask you to dance with them. Asking you to dance with them is putting it lightly; they will probably drag you to the nearest dance floor.
The overdressed one
They are the girls who go to Gator City in a full gown and 9-inch heels. Country boy pool table, 25 cent wells, giant ashtray … Gator City. They are the guys who come to Balls in a full suit. They go to a place — called Balls — in a full suit. Need I say more?
The Greeks
They move in groups. Like a herd or school of fish or something. They only talk to each other (at least the sorority girls, anyway) and are real quick to give any other girl not in their group the stink eye. Frat boys, on the other hand, love to make you feel welcome. They offer to buy you a Landshark or Natty Ice while they plan on how to get you back to the frat house with them.
The hungry one
All they care about is when the night will be over so they can hit up a pizza by the slice joint or Pita Pit. They pretend to be having fun and have a decent poker face about not being too hungry, but deep inside all they can think about is the glorious moment when that Relish burger touches their lips.
You are annoyed. Some girl spilled her drink on you. The same guy has bumped into you about 10 times. You can’t find your friend who you are pretty sure ditched you to hook up with the hottie by the bathroom and you are worried some drunk idiot is going to throw up on your car that you stupidly parked in front of Rowdy. You’ll be back next week though … They always come back.