The first thing Neill Shikata did after rowing practice Friday was check his phone.
Minutes later, he was thrilled to find that he, like his older sister before him, was accepted to UF.
“I just love the campus and everything about UF,” he said. “It’s a great school.”
But this wasn’t the 17-year-old’s first experience at UF. The baby Gator completed a three-week architecture program on campus last summer.
He said the opportunity to stay in Beaty Towers and “really getting to experience dorm life” cemented his decision to apply.
Of UF’s 29,319 applicants, 12,923 were accepted, UF spokesman Steve Orlando wrote in an email.
The university has an enrollment goal of 6,400 for both Summer B and Fall terms.
Innovation Academy, which allows students the untraditional method of attending Spring and Summer terms only, admitted 530 students, he said.
UF’s newest offering, an entirely online bachelor’s degree program called UF Online, accepted three students.
“Of the 54 applications, only 14 have completed the application process at this time,” Orlando said. “The remaining 40 applications will be reviewed as they become complete and decisions released on a rolling basis.”
For the Fall class, the average GPA was 4.4, the average SAT was 1960 and the average ACT was 30.
[A version of this story ran on page 1 on 2/17/2014 under the headline "UF accepts fewer than half of Fall 2014 applicants"]