Three finalists are competing for a chance to perform the national anthem at the UF gymnastics team’s final home meet against West Virginia on March 7.
“Normally we have a list of people that have sung before,” said Aaron Seitz, a marketing intern for the University Athletic Association. “This gives us a chance to find people who have great voices and give them the chance to sing in front of a large audience.”
A panel from the UAA selected the three videos after receiving multiple online submissions. The winner will be chosen based on an evaluation from the panel and the number of likes each video receives on the gymnastics team’s Facebook page by Sunday.
Jessica Grace Jones, a 24-year-old UF alumna, Alissa Kontranza, a 20-year-old UF journalism junior, and The Phabulous Phlegmtones, a barbershop quartet from the Barbergator Chorus, will compete for the chance to perform.
Mike Roth, 62, who sang tenor in the Phlegmtones’ video, said he was impressed by the other two videos and was excited for “an excuse to sing with a fun group of guys.”
“Both gals are really great. I have to applaud them to do it solo,” said Roth. “The big difference is style. I just love the barbershop harmonies we do.”
[A version of this story ran on page 5 on 2/28/2014 under the headline "Singing Gators compete to perform national anthem at meet"]