With one bill approved, two resolutions unanimously passed and three newly appointed permanent replacement seats set in place, Tuesday night’s Student Senate meeting was productive.
Seventy-five senators were present Tuesday night to unanimously pass the Resolution Supporting the Implementation of Self-Service Bike Repair Stations On Campus.
Senate President Pro-Tempore Elliot Grasso explained that the resolution supports the new self-service bike stations provided by Student Government that allow students to make simple bike repairs without having to travel to the Reitz Union.
“They purchased two bike repair stations … It’s basically a stand you put your bike on with a bunch of tools attached to it, and you can do all the maintenance-type stuff you need,” he said.
Grasso said the two stations are located in the Springs and Murphree areas because they are on the east and west sides of campus and will be convenient for students.
Additionally, Senate unanimously passed the Resolution Honoring Kim Lindsey and Family. Lindsey, who fell victim to domestic violence in October, is survived by her three daughters, Savannah, Sofia and Sarah Lambert.
Sarah Lambert, a UF student who attended the Senate meeting, said she was touched that the author of the resolution, Elianne Vazquez, wrote the legislation and pushed it through Senate.
“The fact that somebody was willing to step up and have the entire university support us … was amazing,” she said. “I really cannot express my gratitude. It means so much that me and my sisters aren’t alone in this.”
Senate Bill 2014-1003, which approved funding for the student organization Women in Science Engineering, was also passed unanimously.
The bill, sponsored and authored by the Senate Allocations Committee, allocates $844.50 to WiSE for programming, advertising, fliers and food.
Sen. Davis Bean, chair of the allocations committee, said the funding bill for WiSE was passed unanimously because the organization’s presentation to the committee was so well prepared.
“They came to the committee, they rocked the presentation, they wowed the committee, and it ended up passing unanimously,” he said. “Everyone on the committee approved.”
Bean mentioned that the allocations committee was able to cut some costs in the organization’s proposed budget by suggesting that WiSE use the free rooms provided by the Inter-Residence Hall Association instead of paying to use the Reitz Union room.
Daniel Mentz, Quentin Peterson and Meisam Sedighi were voted as the new permanent replacement seats for Building Construction, Fine Arts and Graduate, respectively.
A version of this story ran on page 3 on 1/15/2014 under the headline "Senate honors victim’s family, supports bike repair stations"
Elliot Grasso, Senate President Pro-Tempore, presents the Resolution Supporting the Implementation of Self-Service Bike Repair Stations On Campus on Tuesday night.