Dear University of Florida students,
My name is Agassy Rodriguez, and I serve as the Swamp Party President. I am truly excited to represent the party this semester, as I have been involved with the Swamp Party since its inception in Fall 2012. I cannot wait to see how the party will continue growing this semester.
Student Government elections are here once again, but what does that even mean really? It means that you will have a chance to become involved with one of the largest student governments in the country and represent students from across the campus.
If you are a student who wants to make a difference in the issues facing our campus, then come slate for Swamp Party for a chance to campaign for your very own Senate seat! The slating process consists of interviewing with the party you are interested in to be selected as a candidate for the area you hope to represent.
Why should you choose to slate for Swamp Party? Simple: We are the most experienced leaders in SG and we have the passion to enact change on our campus. We are a diverse collection of leaders from across campus that are dedicated to enhancing your student experience at UF. To find out more information about Swamp Party, visit
[A version of this letter to the editor ran on page 7 on 1/27/2014 under the headline "Slate for Swamp Party"]