After a series of unfortunate events featuring a foot chase, a Chapstick container full of cocaine and a shoe stuffed with marijuana, police arrested an Alachua man on various drug charges.
Alachua Police Department arrested 23-year-old Jarrick Martell Edwards on charges of cocaine, marijuana and drug equipment possession as well as resisting an officer without violence and violation of probation charges, according to an arrest report.
At about 11:40 p.m., an officer stopped Edwards for a pedestrian violation near Northwest 134th Terrace and asked to see his ID.
Edwards did not have his ID, but records confirmed he was on felony probation, according to the report.
The officer told Edwards he smelled marijuana, and Edwards said he had just come out of a car where the occupants were smoking marijuana.
A backup officer searched Edwards and found a pink Chapstick container full of cocaine as well as a blue plastic bag with cocaine.
Edwards was also holding $498 in cash, which he laid on the hood of the patrol car during the search.
When the officer told Edwards to put his hands behind his back, he ran.
Officers chased him until the intersection of Northwest 135th Terrace and Northwest 154th Avenue, according to the report.
After officers caught Edwards, they noticed a small plastic baggy with marijuana was in a shoe that fell off of him.
Edwards told officers he couldn’t breathe, so they called EMT responders, who took him to Spring Hill Medical Center, according to the report.
Officials then found more cocaine on Edwards at the hospital.
Officers booked Edwards into the Alachua County Jail at about 8:20 a.m., where he remained as of press time.
A version of this story ran on page 4 on 1/22/2014 under the headline "Alachua man arrested with marijuana in shoes, cocaine in Chapstick tube"