Although The Fest was over two weeks ago, I still endure a wave of nausea when a punk song comes on my iPhone. It could be the countless and cheap PBR consumed or the stench of those die-hard punk fans that skip the soap in the shower. Either way, these songs are giving me bad vibes now. They didn’t when I was at shows, but remembering the gruesome environment of being locked into someone’s armpit and having someone’s sweaty back slam into my face at the same time in a mosh pit was not among my happiest times.
My Fest adventures could have gone differently, to say the least. I could’ve stood farther back from the mosh pits or opted on not consuming cheap alcohol, but that would’ve killed the whole point of going to The Fest. I think I could offer the event coordinators some advice that would help out the fans of Fest without compromising the true nature of the punk scene.
First off, they need another sponsor to add to their list and I’m thinking it should be Dove toiletries or Axe for both men and women. This would be a great contribution to the smelly environment these crusty punk kids seem to create. Getting free deodorant and soap, who wouldn’t use their new samples? I’m seeing a positive chain of events with a sponsor like that.
Shows could be much more pleasant if everyone just smelled good. Mosh all you want. Crowd surf until you get thrown on the floor. I don’t care, just use soap and deodorant and body spray.
The shows are a lot of fun and the fans are awesome, minus that one detail. If you’re into punk rock than The Fest is totally worth it.
I volunteered for four hours checking wristbands at one of the venues and got the $130 wristband for free.
Don’t be weary of the smell because the shows are awesome, and it’s not rude to spray someone with body spray if they smell. They’re asking for it by not showering.