When the Pride Parade marches through Gainesville on Saturday, some city bus routes will be switched around.
RTS routes 5, 6 and 15 will detour away from University Avenue for about an hour between Southwest 10th Street and Southeast First Street.
The detour for all three routes will begin at 12:30 p.m., according to a news release.
Route 5 will detour its trip departing from the Oaks Mall by turning south off of University Avenue and onto Southwest 10th Street. From there, it will continue onto Southwest Second Avenue and proceed to Southeast Third Street, ending up at the Rose Parks Downtown Station.
Route 15 will also detour its trip away from the mall by turning east from North Main Street onto Northeast Second Avenue and arrive at Northeast Third Street, where it will continue to the downtown station.
The only detour for Route 6 will be its 12:40 p.m. trip from Plaza Verde at Northwest 23rd Avenue and Northwest 13th Street. After turning east off Northwest Sixth Street and onto Northwest Eighth Avenue, it will go to North Main Street, continue on Northeast Second Avenue and turn south down Southeast Third Street to arrive at the downtown station.
RTS spokesman Chip Skinner said the detours should only last about an hour but could stretch to an hour and thirty minutes.
“Depending on how quickly the parade moves, it hopefully won’t run over long,” he said. “We haven’t had issues in the past of it running over.”
A version of this story ran on page 8 on 10/25/2013 under the headline "Bus routes detour for Pride"