Alex Payne said he stood shocked and upset when he saw a hardly eaten burger being thrown away at the Fresh Food Company.
The 19-year-old industrial and systems engineering freshman said that’s not the only time he has seen large amounts of food go to waste at dining halls.
But the issue stretches far beyond UF’s campus.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations released a study last week reporting that one-third of the world’s food goes to waste.
According to the study, food waste takes a toll on the economy, with annual losses of $750 billion.
Jeffrey Brecht, a UF horticultural sciences professor, said portion sizes contribute to food waste, and restaurants serve more food to consumers because of competition with other businesses, particularly in the U.S.
“We have such abundant food,” he said. “We can afford to throw it away.”
He said people should be given smaller portions but told they can have more, and students should buy less food but shop more frequently to avoid waste.
“People need to plan better,” he said. “Buy just what you need.”
The study found food waste not only hurts the economy, but it also has detrimental effects on the environment. Wasted food is the third-largest source of greenhouse gas emissions.
But some familiar eating spots are taking action.
Caitanya Long, vice president at the Krishna House, said the group does not waste any food.
She said leftover food is donated to organizations such as the St. Francis House and the Salvation Army, and some food goes to feed animals.
“We’re reducing waste from the start to the end,” she said.
Payne said though he’s not immune to letting bits of food go to the trash, he does make an effort to avoid throwing it away.
“I make sure I finish what’s on my plate,” he said.
A version of this story ran on page 3 on 9/17/2013 under the headline "Study: One-third of food is wasted"