The Turlington Dancer, once known for his messages of peace and love, is wearing the same booty shorts but rocking a new attitude.
Dennis Kane was trespassed from UF campus in August 2012. Roughly a year later, he has taken the corner of Buckman Drive and West University Avenue as one of his spots to preach to students about the dangers of being too attached to their cellphones and acting “too cool for everybody else.”
UF students have said they heard Kane shout things like “No one will ever love you,” “You’re worthless,” and “You know the world is f***ed up when women are in positions of power.”
According to an email from University Police spokesman Maj. Brad Barber, Kane would be arrested after a warning if he were to step foot back on campus.
Thirty-eight-year-old Kane said his focus has become computer programming. His rants on the maladjustments of today’s youth are frequently punctuated by calls of “programmers needed.” His website,, explains his creation of an operating system inside a Web browser will “change the world as we know it.”
“The reason I can be this crazy is because I’ve got the proof to back it up,” Kane said.
He said he refrains from singling people out on the street when he’s in a “passionate” mood, though he admits he occasionally targets “Greek-type people” for their attitudes.
He said he’s been annoyed and angry with people, which is why he’s been dancing with his sign adorned with his website’s URL.
Valeria Yulee, a 20-year-old public relations junior, said she sees Kane around Midtown.
“He’s definitely eccentric and a little out there,” she said. “He stands out with his booty shorts and really deep V-neck.”
Miguel Matos, a 20-year-old UF sophomore studying Japanese, said Kane isn’t causing too much of a problem.
Kane, who said he dropped out of UF in 1995, said students were different and friendlier when he attended. Now, the only looks he gets are mocking ones.
“I’m alone here,” he said. “I’m alone in this world, and I’ve got nobody on my side.”
A version of this story ran on page 1 on 9/26/2013 under the headline "Turlington Dancer steps up with changed messages"
Dennis Kane, the Turlington Dancer, talks to a student on the southeast corner of West University Avenue and Buckman Drive on Sept. 19. Kane is trespassed from UF campus until 2015.