On July 16 the beloved USA network television show "Suits" began airing its third season. I have been so excited for this season, but sadly I was let down.
From the previous seasons there have been so many plot twists and turns that kept everyone on edge begging for each Thursday night to come earlier and earlier in the week. However, the writers threw caution to the wind and have created a complete chaos situation.
Basically everyone is left hating the other. Mike Ross hates Jessica Pearson. Pearson hates Harvey Specter and vice versa. Specter still hates Louis Litt. Specter and his assistant Donna Paulsen abhor Ross. Basically everyone hates everyone else all because of Pearson & Hardman’s merger with the law firm Darby International.
I guess the writers thought it would be completely okay for all this hatred so long as Ross and his love interest Rachel Zane finally had sex and ended up together.
Season three of "Suits" has a bleak outlook. The major and minor story lines and themes have gotten out of hand and über confusing. In any case I will continue to watch the season to see if it can still retain me as a fan and maybe clear up some of its horrible mess.