Your significant other finally asked you to go with him or her on a trip this summer – your first vacation together as a couple. Get excited!
Whether it’s a cruise in the Caribbean or a road trip to his or her hometown, you both will be excited for your summer on the move.
But once your “honeymoon stage” subsides, panic will most likely set in. What if you haven’t spent more than 24 hours together? What if you both don’t want to see the same landmarks or participate in the same activities? What if the two of you can’t even agree on a destination?
Here are three tips on how to prepare for you first trip with your beau (and survive):
Couples that travel together, plan together
When picking a location, remember each other’s common interests. You don’t want to be on a plane to Italy for six hours and find out he hates everything Italian once you land. Think of things you like to do together – play sports, explore new places, listen to music, etc. Make a list, and find a destination that fits each of your individual expectations but also satisfies your needs as a couple.
Comfort is key
Make sure you’re comfortable with one another, and I don’t mean that you-can-sleep-in-the-same-bed-without-having-sex comfortable. I mean comfortable as in the I-don’t-care-if-you-clog-the-toilet-or-hear-my-farts comfortable (and yes; women do fart, too). If you haven’t spent more than 24 hours together, going on vacation will be a preview of what it would be like to live together; therefore, you need to mind your mess and be conscious of the adjustment you both may have to make.
Let loose and let live
Don’t be afraid to try new things together if the two of you choose to go somewhere you both have never been. Although the planning and pre-trip stress can make it hard to remember, vacations are still about good ol’ rest and relaxation. Eat new foods and explore new places. Trying new things will not only improve your vacation, but it will also improve your relationship; so, let loose and let live!
A vacation with your significant other can easily turn into a make-it-or-break-it situation if you’re not careful. However, if you follow these tips, you’re sure to have a perfect getaway experience; so, get some sleep and get in touch with your boyfriend or girlfriend – you have a romantic getaway to plan!
Have a safe trip!