The time has finally come to set those boots aside and hit the pool deck. Spring is here, and the tans are near — but can you find those bathing suits underneath all that mess?
A new season calls for a fresh start, and as everyone is well aware, it’s time for some spring cleaning.
Not only should closets, kitchens and bathrooms be cleaned, but diets, desks and even phonebooks should make the cut.
1. Clean up your diet for a poolside-ready bod.
Throw out the pizza coupons, and think twice about Relish Big Tasty Burgers. Be reminded there are two gyms within biking distance on campus, and they’re free with a Gator 1 Card.
2. Car owners: Take the junk out of your trunk.
A fresh start into a new season involves having a fresh whip. Give it a nice wash, vacuum those carpets and hang up that spring-smelling car freshener.
3. Move on from last semester’s assignments.
This is Spring semester, and the summer’s so close that we can taste it. But no one wants to enter summer vacation and have piles of old assignments to go through. So, organize it now.
The notebooks overflowing with last semester’s notes probably have more use in storage than on top of your desk.
4. Clean out your phonebook.
An entire semester has passed and another one is halfway through, so that’s a good amount of Midtown nights captured in our phones. For all of the random numbers you got on your nights out, it’s time to toss them.
A fresh phonebook is ready for spring and summer flings. Delete the past “Hey, I met you last night” texts, and make room for new ones.
5. Mentally prepare yourself for what’s coming around the corner: finals.
Clean out your mind from all that end-of-the-semester stress, and focus on the one last battle college students must face before drenching themselves in summer bliss.
Hopefully, you’ll find your spring cleaning to be as cleansing as spring itself.