The UF Lastinger Center for Learning and Study Edge partnered to develop a free program to serve as a study aid for middle and high school students taking the Algebra 1 End-of-Course Assessment.
Algebra Nation launches Jan. 15. Students will have access to study guides and video review sessions that will cover topics on the assessment.
Students will also have access to a study wall where they can post questions for experts or other students to answer. The program will also schedule tutoring sessions, especially as the date of the assessment gets closer, said Donald Pemberton, director of the Lastinger Center for Learning.
In 2012, more than 40 percent of middle and high school students failed the assessment, which began in 2011, said Study Edge president Ethan Fieldman.
Students who fail the assessment have to retake the test and pass it in order to receive credit for the class.
The program will be accessible through the Algebra Nation website and through a mobile device application for iPhones, Androids and tablets. Students can register on the website now to receive updates.
The review videos were created by teachers from school districts around Florida who have helped their students score high on the assessment, Pemberton said.
The Lastinger Center for Learning and Study Edge worked closely with the Florida Department of Education to develop this program.
Next school year, the program will also cover the biology and geometry assessments, which started in 2012.