Well, we don’t know how to explain the racks referendum that is on the ballot to you.
We had to explain it multiple times during the summer, and now a lot of our efforts are sort of being undermined.
And by who? By fellow Gainesville publications.
The Odyssey is about to publish its latest edition, and in it is a condemnation of the racks referendum.
Their fliers are threatening; they say if you support UF, then you should vote “yes” on the racks referendum.
We all support UF, but we also support the access to free speech.
A Facebook event designed by The Odyssey to rally support claims that the new black modular distribution “units have allowed our publication to expand its distribution on campus in a fair and sustainable manor.”
First of all, we think you meant “manner.”
Second, it’s not just about you.
The newest edition of The Odyssey, which will be released Thursday, the day after Student Government elections come to a close, states: “While we appreciate that the independently owned orange racks have been a tradition on our campus, we must disagree with the Alligator’s First Amendment argument since the color of the distribution rack does not affect the access to the content of it or any publication.”
This isn’t an issue of color, guys.
Let’s get something straight here: It does not matter what color the racks are. What matters is the access.
If people have limited access to an independently owned newspaper, then that’s not terribly American.
We understand that UF has the right to decide what is on its campus. We don’t need an SG that works with the administration to remove available free press. Not to mention, it will not always be free to rent space in the new racks.
We’re not loaded-out-the-butt with money like some publications.
The paid members of the Alligator staff receive at most minimum wage, if not less than that. It takes a lot of work to put out a daily, free publication — as opposed to a weekly one.
Voting on the racks referendum will not accomplish much one way or another. It is simply a way to gain opinions from the voters that will translate into the Senate. The problem comes down to who makes up a majority of the Senate.
Let’s say, hypothetically, that a large percentage of voters vote “no” on the racks referendum. If the Swamp Party holds a majority of the seats, then they will most likely ignore that large number of students who oppose the removal of the orange racks. If the Students Party holds a majority of the seats, then they will fight for what the Student Body wants.
That’s why it’s important to vote. That’s why this racks referendum is about more than what color the racks are.
This is about your free speech as a student, and how certain SG parties may not defend that right like they should.
Your vote matters. It matters to us, and it matters to the Students Party.