At an off-campus Halloween party with the theme of “rappers and rockers,” two white students covered their faces and bodies with black makeup and dressed as black rappers. It is critical to understand that this makeup — whether or not known or intended by the two students to have this effect — evokes “blackface,” which was used by white actors on Vaudeville and in other settings to represent African-Americans in a highly demeaning manner.
I personally believe that demeaning any race is intolerable and completely counter to the welcoming and inclusive environment that UF has created for its broadly diverse campus community. Demeaning any individual on the basis of race is contrary to UF’s strong nondiscrimination policy, which reflects and supports our diversity.
A number of organizations’ leaders, including from the Interfraternity Council, National Pan-Hellenic Council, Multicultural Greek Council, Panhellenic Council and local chapter of the NAACP, voiced their common reaction — that this makeup is offensive. UF’s vice president for student affairs, Dave Kratzer, immediately and emphatically expressed his disappointment and explained why such actions are counter to the inclusiveness of UF.
Even though this action occurred off campus, at a non-UF event, it presents an important opportunity to raise awareness and protect the broad diversity that is part of UF’s excellence.