The Alligator Editorial Board wants to welcome back all returning students and introduce ourselves to those who are new to Gainesville.
It would be an understatement to say we had an exciting and eventful spring semester.
Among almost daily breaking news, newspapers being thrown away and elections on every level, we had our hands full. We enjoyed every second of delivering the news.
Of course, every new semester brings changes. Though we have a new set of editors, new reporters and new columnists, we want to continue our successes from last semester.
But there is always room for improvement.
First, it is important to note that during the summer semester, we will only be publishing on Tuesdays and Thursdays each week.
That being said, we will still be your first and most reliable source for breaking news on our website at
Over the summer, it will be our goal to expand and improve upon our online content. We will be providing more exclusive online stories, blogs, photos and multimedia for you to enjoy when there is no print edition for you to pick up on your way to class.
And although there will hopefully be less controversy from Student Government this semester, we will still be providing thorough and reliable coverage.
While there is no election (and hopefully no one shoving fliers in your face on your way to class), it will be our responsibility to keep you up-to-date on any major changes made during the summer session. Accountability was a major theme for the incoming administration, and we plan to hold them to it.
Finally, we ask you, our readers, to sound off on the news and commentary we bring you each week.
If you have an issue or want to respond to a news article or a column, feel free to submit a letter to the editor or a guest column.
Letters to the editor are generally short (around 150 to 200 words) and usually give an opinion about an upcoming event or respond to an article or a column in a previous issue.
Guest columns can be longer (around 500 to 600 words) and generally concern more complicated issues that have not necessarily been covered.
They need to be well-written, with few grammatical errors, and clear. They should also provide links to your sources.
Both can be submitted as attachments to
Please also provide your name, year, major and any organizations to which you belong, if relevant.
We hope to keep you informed, and we also hope you see the Alligator as an outlet to voice your concerns.
Have a great semester!