The Florida Alliance for Student Action is holding Gov. Rick Scott to his pledge to oppose tuition hikes for Florida students.
Scott announced this week that he would oppose raising tuition by 8 percent at Florida colleges and universities.
"We see it as a victory for students across Florida," said Cassia Laham, 22, statewide coordinator for FASA. "But you also have to take everything Rick Scott says with a grain of salt."
Scott's refusal comes with the caveat that Florida's focus should be on reducing costs.
That means cutting programs and putting more classes online, which is unacceptable, Laham said.
During February, FASA, a network of Florida college and university students, will organize events on campuses across the state calling for the legislature to pass laws ensuring affordable, quality education.
The month-long campaign will culminate in a day of action on March 1, when all Florida FASA chapters will coordinate one action to send a clear message against what they call legislators' attacks on education.
Quality education must stay affordable in Florida, Laham said, which won't happen if the legislature still allows low tax rates for the wealthy.
"These people in the Capitol just don't know how to budget money, obviously," she said.
Student Body President Anthony Reynolds said the key is finding a balance between struggling students' finances and the quality of education.
Reynolds said Scott's refusal to further burden students is a good sign.
"It means a lot to me that he's aware of that, and that it's an issue for him," he said.