What is UF Student Government?
According the SG Constitution, members of Student Government are supposed to:
- represent and defend the rights of students to the university, the community and government;
- provide a forum for the expression of student views and interests;
- promote academic freedom, responsibility and high standards of education;
- provide services and organize events for the benefit of students.
- help promote understanding and recognition of the responsibilities of students to the university, the community and humanity.
During this election, you probably have not heard these principles espoused by representatives of either party.
However, these principles are extremely important to understanding why you should care about SG elections.
According to its own constitution, SG represents the voice of the entire Student Body, and it cannot do so justly unless members of the Student Body make their voices heard at the ballot box.
If this election is decided by members of only a few organizations on campus, then the decisions made by SG will reflect those views alone. SG will also be beholden to only those who helped put them in power.
Voting is not only your privilege, but at UF, where SG holds so much power and influence, it should be your responsibility.
Caring about this election will also ensure that you have the ability to hold elected officials accountable when they make mistakes.
Fortunately, the Alligator is protected by the First Amendment to act as a watchdog for you, the Student Body.
But we can only do so much to hold our representatives accountable. Unless members of SG recognize the power of the Student Body to influence the makeup of this governing body, nothing will change.
Voting for the SG Elections ends tonight at 8:30 p.m.
The locations include the Broward Hall basement, Jennings Hall first floor study room, Springs Area Office Room 202, Murphree Area Commons, Reitz Union third floor computer lab, McCarty Hall B computer lab B, Southwest Recreation Center, Levin College of Law student lounge, CSE computer lab, Marston Library and the Health Science Center Library Collaboration Center.
The CSE lab will close at 4:30 p.m. and the health center location will open at 9 a.m. today.
Go vote. Do not vote on behalf of any party, any platform or any particular candidate.
Vote to keep your voice.