Like other college students facing midterms, Santa Fe junior Laura Putlek has a project and paper due this week, two exams and two lab practicals.
While there’s no cure for her stress overload, Putlek, 21, focuses with the help of an amphetamine called Adderall, which treats attention deficit hyperactivity disorder.
But unlike many students who abuse the drug as a study aid, Putlek has a prescription for it.
Although Adderall has become a popular recreational drug for college students, there are healthier ways to cope with exam stress, said E. Maureen Miller, coordinator for alcohol and other drug prevention at GatorWell Health Promotion Services.
This includes having a planner to keep track of assignments, getting enough sleep, exercising, eating healthy food and knowing the syllabus to prevent cramming, she said.
“It’s the basic things, but I know a lot of times it’s easy to forget when students are caught up on having so much to do,” she said. “Planning can help when they get to that point.”
If students have no choice but to cram during crunch time, Miller suggests following this rule: For every 50 minutes spent studying or writing, take a 10-minute break.
These habits can’t be replaced by any drug.
“[Students] go on to graduate school, get a job and still there will be those things they have to deal with,” she said. “That’s why it’s really important to develop these healthy coping strategies now instead of relying on something like this.”