Bicycle thieves apparently decided to take a break. After a busy first week when six bikes were reported stolen on campus, University Police did not receive any claims of students losing their rides in Week 2 of the Spring semester.
Rest easy, though: Not all campus criminals slacked off. Building burglars came through this week, with seven reported larcenies from Jan. 15-20, according to the UPD crime log.
Of the 14 reported crimes last week, UPD arrested three people — all drunken drivers. Police handed out two notices to appear and received one sworn complaint. Eight crimes are still pending.
Also, one quick note before we break down the crimes: We have changed how we record campus crimes on this blog. Last week, we looked at all crimes reported by UPD. Starting now, however, we will only list crimes reported on campus or about one block from campus.
If UPD arrested you a couple miles down Southwest 13th Street, we're sorry you aren't getting your time to shine.
Now, on to the crimes:
Finders keepers:
- Seven people stole stuff from buildings on campus, including Southwest Recreation Center and Flint Hall, where the history department is located, twice each. Other than taking books and balls, thieves targeted Carr Hall, Shands Teaching Hospital North and the Lemerand Athletic Center. UPD has not made any arrests.
Party Fouls
- UPD caught three drunken drivers on or near campus this week.
- UPD cited one person for having drugs and the proper equipment to take full advantage of said drugs.
My name is my name ... unless it's not
- Two people went all Dick Whitman/Don Draper on the UF campus this week, committing forgeries in the Hub and at Shands at UF. UPD received a sworn complaint but has not made any arrests.
Three incidents:
2700 W University Ave.
Two incidents:
Southwest Rec
Flint Hall
One incident:
900 SW 13th St.
Carr Hall
The Hub
Lemerand Center
Museum Road
Shands at UF
Shands Teaching Hospital North