On Monday, visitors to UF's home page will find new features and a cleaner, simpler look.
UF made the change to maintain an up-to-date presence on the Web, according to an UF News press release.
The new home page will maintain all tabs and links provided on the current home page.
A full redesign will begin in 2012 and take 18 months to complete, according to the release.
Bioengineering senior Lauren Redfern, 21, said she thinks she will appreciate a simpler home page.
"The old one was hard to navigate, there were too many things to notice at once," Redfern said. "With so many people associated with the university at different facets, the [unique] tabs are a much better idea."
However, not everyone is thrilled about the changes.
Desiree Sucar, 21, a nutritional sciences junior, said she was "indifferent" about the new home page layout.
"I understand that we want things to be innovative and the need for change," she said. "But I haven't had problems with the old home page, so why change now? It might just take some getting used to."
To view the Web page, visit ufl.edu/redesign.