If you didn't watch the unveiling of the new iPhone on Tuesday, we just have to one thing to say: Way to have a life.
But the worshipers of everything Apple, who watched the press conference, ended up leaving (or more than likely just turned off their MacBook Pros) with a feeling of disappointment.
Not only were fans not blown away by the new iPhone, investors were disappointed as indicated by a drop in Apple's stock after the announcement.
What's wrong with Apple?
The new iPhone only operates faster, has a better camera, allows syncing without being connected to a computer and includes a new voice-activated service that responds to voice commands.
What year is it, 2010? Come on, Apple, get with the program.
By now, iPhones should hover beside you at all times, brush your teeth, comb your hair, turn into a scooter to take you to work, be made out of unobtainium from Pandora and allow you to make phone calls without dropping a connection.
Unfortunately, the world has lost Steve Jobs, a true visionary and the spiritual leader of the company. His eye was one of the keenest in the technology world - which is a big reason why Apple has had so much success.
May he rest in peace.
The new guys will have trouble filling these large, almost mythical shoes.
But will the company continue to thrive?
Of course.
Apple just did a poor job at over-hyping the announcement of the new iPhone. It's not the end of the world, and it's certainly not the end of Apple.
According to a commenter on the Alligator website, last week's editorial about Facebook was an attempt by members of the Editorial Board to seek a job with Mark Zuckerburg.
So, before you accuse us of trying to get a job with Apple, let us just say that our discussion of modern technology and the public's response to changes is only meant to highlight the fact that in the grand scheme of things, these technologies have completely changed the way we live.
We should all cut the innovators of today and the inventors of tomorrow some slack.
The producer of your touchscreen phone that plays music, allows you to surf the Internet and lets you throw infuriated flying beasts at pigs knows what they are doing.
While you can disagree with a new change here or there, there's no point in getting riled up about it.
Chances are, in the long run, you are going to love it.
Stop complaining and play some more Angry Birds.