September 14, 1962 - UF traffic officials say parking on campus is not a problem. One official notes two lots behind Hume and Rawlings halls, which, he says, are filled to 25 percent of capacity on most days. For any parking inconveniences, he points to students who prefer to park in already overflowing lots.
September 7, 1990 - 14,000 draft-eligible UF students learn they are not exempt from a draft should Congress decide to reinstate one. There would be no college deferment like there was during Vietnam. One student says he thinks the lack of college deferment "sucks."
September 12, 2001 - Gov. Jeb Bush declares state of emergency for Florida. Alachua County declares state of emergency. UF President Charles E. Young issues a letter of condolence to students. Muslim women in Gainesville pledge not to leave home alone as long as comments such as "go back home" and "leave America" mount.
September 14, 2001 - The Southeastern Conference indefinitely postpones the weekend's games, including the one between No. 2 ranked Gators and No. 8 ranked Tennessee. "What is happening around the country is more important than a football game," says UF Athletics Director Jeremy Foley.