This blog post is the first of a series in which I combine my love of feminist issues with baking to create wonderful baked goods.
Welcome back to the F-word!
This week I'm making salted fudge brownies, or as I like to call them, "equal bites brownies." (Clever name courtesy of my roommate.)
I found this recipe on a mouthwatering blog called "Bake or Break."
Sea salt may seem like a weird addition to brownies, but it seems to be making a comeback in the world of chocolate (yum). It's perfect for those who love a salty-and-sweet mixture.
Speaking of making a comeback, how about that Equal Rights Amendment?
Many people are surprised to hear that the ERA was never actually ratified. That is, there's nothing in our constitution that specifically says women and men are equal under the law.
After this summer's Supreme Court decision that female Walmart employees could not bring a sex discrimination lawsuit against the store, I think it's high time for it to be passed.
It was reintroduced into Congress yet again this June, and maybe, just maybe, it will be passed in our lifetime.
But back to the brownies.
Let them bake for about 30 minutes. Unfortunately, they do have to cool at room temperature for about an hour, and then be left in the refrigerator for another hour.
Around this time my stomach was rumbling, but the fudgy insides require a cooler temperature for the brownies to set.
Finally, they're ready to be eaten.
They're still a tad gooey out of the refrigerator, but, nevertheless, are the perfect, equal combination of salty and sweet.
Cut into equal-sized bites and enjoy!
Please let me know: What are your thoughts on the Equal Rights Amendment? Is it still a relevant piece of legislation?
Also, are chocolate and sea salt a good mix?
The salted fudge brownie makes for a delicious, feminism-inspired treat.