The American people are mad.
Are they mad about the next possible government shutdown? No, not really.
Are they mad about the fact that Rick Santorum is a moron hell-bent on out social-conservative-ing every other GOP nominee by saying he'll re-instate Don't Ask Don't Tell? No, not really.
Are they mad about President Barack Obama's Solyndra scandal where he endorsed a government loan to a green energy company that was financially insecure? No, not really.
Mess with people's Facebook and all hell breaks loose.
So over the past couple of weeks, Facebook has been making some changes to its layout. For Facebook users, this means the end of the world as we know it.
Yes, Facebook "Inception'd" you by placing a news feed in the corner of your news feed.
Can you still post a status update to complain about this change? Yes.
Can you still post links to pictures of Xzibit saying that he heard you liked Facebook, so he put a Facebook in your Facebook so you could Facebook while you Facebook? Yes.
Can you still upload photos of you flicking off Mark Zuckerburg? Yes.
Facebook is still Facebook, and it will always be Facebook no matter how much they change it.
Remember when they first installed the chat feature and everyone complained about how it never worked and was worse than AIM?
The majority of Facebook users use chat more than their message inboxes, which are now interconnected so that your conversations are saved. That's actually kind of cool.
Facebook also went Google+ by reforming its existing friends "lists" to filter your news feed. Do you really like getting updates from every "friend" you have? Probably not.
But whether or not the changes are for better or worse, the main point is this:
Facebook is a free, convenient service that everyone uses to connect with people. As long as it serves this purpose, what is there to complain about?
If you really are pissed off at Facebook, stop using it. Otherwise, stop whining.
And of course, earlier this week some morons convinced gullible suckers (again) that Facebook was going to start charging for usage.
Did you really think that copying and pasting a status would exempt you from being charged? How in the hell would they track that? Why would they make it so easy to become exempt?
In the grand scheme of things, your life has not gotten any more difficult because of these changes, yet everyone has acted like it has ruined his or her very existence.
It's unfortunate that we have to devote an editorial to this nonsense, but a) it's a slow news day and b) we want people to start worrying about things that really matter.